Read a sneak-peek extract of Kate Fenton’s The Time Of Her Life

To help celebrate Valentine’s Day, Team Bookends are offering you the chance to read an extract from Kate Fenton’s brand new laugh-out-loud and heat-warming novel, The Time Of Her Life. Publishing next month, this is a sparkling and intelligent romance which will strike a chord of recognition with the older reader and make you laugh out loud.



‘Carpe diem, as all our generation seem to be saying these days,’ Annie Stoneycroft instructs her friend Liz, who is sixty going on sixteen and trembling on the brink of a love affair. ‘Roughly translated: bloody well stop messing about and get on with it.’

Annie naturally embraces the baby boomer’s credo that old age, far from being a biological inevitability, is a mere lifestyle choice. If not downright carelessness. That doesn’t stop her marshalling her contemporaries into suitable relationships – before it’s too late.

Perhaps it’s even time she did the same for herself. But while smart, sassy Ms Stoneycroft may temper any romantic fancies with Yorkshire common sense, what she has yet to learn is that love is like the measles. The later it strikes, the harder it hits . . .


Sparkling, witty and intelligent, The Time of Her Life is a deliciously perceptive romantic comedy for the modern reader.


Click here to read an extract.


The Time Of Her Life is out in hardback and eBook on 12th March 2020. Available to pre-order now.