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Ragamuffin Angel

ebook / ISBN-13: 9780755375851

Price: £9.99

ON SALE: 4th March 2010

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Sagas

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A young couple… and the dark and terrible history between their families that threatens to destroy them.

Rita Bradshaw’s Ragamuffin Angel is an uplifting saga of rags to riches, as a young woman unravels the secrets that surround her past in order to find happiness. Perfect for fans of Lindsey Hutchinson and Dilly Court.

‘An enjoyable historical read… Very readable, with good dialogue and well-drawn characters’ – Ipswich Evening Star

Connie Bell, newly orphaned, is just twelve when she’s taken on at the laundry in Sunderland’s grim workhouse. Although she’s little more than a child, the events of her past have forged a driving determination to rise above her beginnings. But when she applies for a job as a nurse Connie’s turned down: her mother was forced by poverty to work the streets and the Bell name is tainted.

Bitterly hurt but undaunted, Connie’s soon assistant housekeeper at the Grand Hotel and saving hard for her own business. When her path crosses Dan Stewart’s, though, everything Connie’s ever dreamed of is threatened. There’s a dark and terrible history between the Bells and the Stewarts, and Dan’s mother Edith will do anything to keep Dan and Connie apart.

What readers are saying about Ragamuffin Angel:

Best book I’ve read in ages, couldn’t put it down

‘A story of true heartache and courage against the backdrop of poverty and war’

Brilliant, couldn’t put it down. From beginning to end, it has you gripped


Catherine Cookson fans will enjoy discovering a new author who writes in a similar vein
Home and Family
Displaying an uncanny ability to spin a good yarn
Sunderland Echo
Catherine Cookson fans will enjoy discovering a new author who writes in a similar vein
Home and Family
All published writers have skill and creativity, but a few have more. It's called magic. I'm beginning to believe Bradshaw has it!
Historical Novels Review
Could have been written by a young Catherine Cookson
Peterborough Evening Telegraph
An enjoyable historical read... Very readable, with good dialogue and well-drawn characters
Ipswich Evening Star
If you like gritty, rags-to-riches Northern sagas, you'll enjoy this
Family Circle