For all your holiday and travel needs, the latest up-to-date edition of Philip’s super-clear map of Europe.
‘The Clearest and Most Detailed Maps of Europe’ David Williams MBE, former CEO Gem Motoring Assist
The perfect all-inclusive map for planning and using on your European Road Trip:
– The Main scale is super-clear 1: 3,890,000 (61 miles to 1 inch)
– All of Europe is covered from Southern Portugal to Northern Russia
– Fully updated with all the latest information for travelling in Europe
– Handy Weather Maps for both Summer and Winter travels
– City-to-City Distance Table for estimating your journeys
– All the important information for motoring: motorways (toll, pre-pay and free), mountain passes, railways, road numbers (European and local), distances between towns
In fact, everything you need for driving in Europe. Every country is covered from Portugal to Russia and it is a double-sided map for easy in-car use. Follow the sun (or the snow) and make the most of this small, but extraordinarily culture-packed continent.