Rupert Spira
By the Author
The Heart of Prayer
In The Heart of Prayer, Rupert Spira elaborates on the understanding that the peace and happiness we seek can be found in the knowing of…
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You Are the Happiness You Seek
How may we find happiness and peace? In this book, Rupert Spira distils the message of all the great religious and spiritual traditions into two…
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Being Myself
Being Myself is a contemplative exploration of the essential nature of our self. Everyone has the sense of 'being myself,' but not everyone knows their…
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A Meditation on I Am
"Rupert Spira is one of the great souls. Read his books, and be clarified." -Coleman Barks, translator of Rumi, including Soul Fury A contemplative poem…
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Being Aware of Being Aware
Everybody is aware, all seven billion of us. We are aware of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. All people share the experience of being aware,…
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The Nature of Consciousness
Our world culture is founded on the assumption that the Big Bang gave rise to matter, which in time evolved into the world, into which…
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Presence, Volume I
Your self, aware presence, knows no resistance to any appearance and, as such, is happiness itself; like the empty space of a room, it cannot…
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Presence, Volume II
All that is known is experiencing, and experiencing is not divided into one part (an inside self) that experiences and another part (an outside object,…
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Transparency of Things
The purpose of The Transparency of Things is to look clearly and simply at the nature of experience, without any attempt to change it. A…