Marcus Weeks
By the Author
Get Smart: Philosophy
Can you master the ideas of Plato, Kant, Nietzsche and Sartre? What does 'I think, therefore I am' really mean? Do you know the arguments…
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Religion in Minutes
Learn about the religions of the world - in minutes. What are the differences between Sunni and Shi'a, Catholic and Protestant, Buddhism and Confucianism? Who…
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Politics in Minutes
Quick, accessible, compact guide to understanding key political concepts. Contents include: Liberty, Justice, Equality, Human rights, Social contract, Democracy, Monarchy, Anarchism, Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism and…
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Psychology in Minutes
To what extent is memory based on mood? Why do we compare ourselves to others? Are there different types of intelligence? How do we change…
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Philosophy in Minutes
Philosophy in Minutes distils 200 of the most important philosophical ideas into easily digestible, bite-sized sections. The core information for every topic - including debates…