Kimberley O’Brien
By the Author
PYP ATL Skills Workbook: Mindfulness
Consolidate learning, deepen understanding and develop ATL skills of mindfulness and combating stress and anxiety through a range of engaging activities ideal for independent learning…
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PYP ATL Skills Workbook: Growth mindset – Self-motivation, Perseverance and Resilience
Consolidate learning, deepen understanding and develop ATL skills of self-motivation, perseverance and resilience through a range of engaging activities ideal for independent learning and homework.…
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PYP ATL Skills Workbook: Social and emotional intelligence and Emotional management
Consolidate learning, deepen understanding and develop ATL skills of social and emotional intelligence and emotional management through a range of engaging activities ideal for independent…
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PYP ATL Skills Workbook: Interpersonal relationships
Consolidate learning, deepen understanding and develop ATL skills of collaboration, communication and listening and speaking through a range of engaging activities ideal for independent learning…
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PYP Friends: A new friend
A new boy Theo joins the school. Learn how to start a conversation and make a new friend. Meet the four friends who live on…
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PYP Friends: Ups and downs
What makes a good friend? Learn about different characteristics and how to repair a broken friendship. Meet the four friends who live on Quirky Lane…
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PYP Friends: Fair play
A story to illustrate competition and how it can bring out the best and worst in people. Learn about group dynamics and how to join…
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PYP Friends: Lochie’s little lie
A story about honesty in friendships and the importance of compromise. Meet the four friends who live on Quirky Lane and follow the stories of…
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PYP Friends: The sleepover
A story about being pushed out of your comfort zones. And learning about team dynamics and how to work together. Meet the four friends who…