Helen Sanderson
By the Author
Person-Centred Thinking with Older People
Person-centred practices are a key way to provide the best possible care and support for older people and help them to be active and valued…
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The Individual Service Funds Handbook
The Individual Service Funds Handbook is the definitive guide to one of the most innovative forms of personal budget in health and social care. It…
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Making Individual Service Funds Work for People with Dementia Living in Care Homes
Dispelling the myths about how personalisation works for people with dementia living in care homes, this book demonstrates how to introduce Individual Service Funds (ISFs),…
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Person-Centred Teams
Person-Centred Teams provides much-needed guidance on person-centred working following the roll out of personalisation and personal budgets across health and social care. In order to…
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Personalisation in Practice
This book demonstrates very clearly how the personalisation of support and services works in practice. The authors describe how Jennie, a young person with autism…
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Personalisation and Dementia
Personalisation builds on person-centred care to focus on how people with dementia can have more choice and control over decisions affecting them, and be supported…
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Creating Person-Centred Organisations
Person-centred thinking and planning are approaches that enable people using social care and health services to plan their future, and use a personal budget to…
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A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation
Personalisation means people, their families and carers having choice and control over their support on a day-to-day basis. To deliver personalised services, professionals and carers…