Brian D. Mclaren
By the Author
Life After Doom
What does faith look like when cynicism seems more plausible? What does hope look like when hope seems irrational? What does love look like when…
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Do I Stay Christian?
Dubbed 'a heroic gate-crasher' by New York Times bestselling author Glennon Doyle, Brian McLaren explores reasons to leave or stay within the church and if…
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Faith after Doubt
'For all those who have understood that doubt and free thinking are failings of your faith, Brian's book will help you live fuller and breathe…
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Seeking Aliveness
Praise for We Make the Road by Walking: 'innovative and refreshing' - Christianity magazine In his 2014 book We Make the Road by Walking Brian…
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The Great Spiritual Migration
Many people experience Christianity as a system of belief, focused on an exclusive Supreme Being who favours some and rejects others, and is defended by…
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We Make the Road by Walking
'If you're new to the faith and seeking a good orientation, here you'll find the introduction I wish I had been given. If you're a…
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Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road?
Christians and Muslims together make up about 57% of the world's population today, and by the end of the century they will constitute about 66%…
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Naked Spirituality
I've had my fill of superficial religiosity. But deep religion, authentic, naked spirituality - that's what I'm thirsty for, and so, I think, are you.…
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A New Kind of Christianity
What is the overarching storyline of the Bible? Is God violent? What is the Gospel? Can we find a way to address sexuality without fighting…