Ann Carter
Ann Carter BA Dip. Health Ed Cert. Ed Cert. NLP Dip NM*
Ann’s background is in teaching and training and she has worked in supportive and palliative settings since 1991. In addition to being a complementary therapist, Ann’s roles have included Complementary Therapy Coordinator at St. Ann’s Hospice in Manchester from 2000 to 2008, and from 2008-2014, she was a Senior Therapist at the Christie Hospital. Together with Peter Mackereth, Ann has played a major role in developing training courses for complementary therapists in cancer care. She continues to teach HEARTS to complementary therapists and other health care professionals throughout the UK, and has recently introduced a specially designed HEARTS teacher training course. Ann has also contributed numerous articles to complementary therapy journals and has co-edited 3 books, two of which are related to complementary therapies in cancer care.
* Dip. NM is a life coaching qualification
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