A Handful of Happiness

Now here’s one for the wildlife lovers…
We’re getting to the end of Winter and Spring is finally beginning. Although for us that means planting ourselves firmly at a street-corner cafe on a breezy table with a good book, for our prickly friend the humble hedgehog it means they’re starting to come out of hibernation!
Hedgehogs are a marvelous and beloved creature – having recently been voted the UK’s favourite mammal – and sadly they’re in decline. Enter Massimo Vachetta – an Italian veterinarian who, after finding and nursing an ailing hedgehog who he names Ninna, begins his quest to set up a hedgehog sanctuary.
But this book is about so much more than adorable hedgehogs – it tells of how Ninna helped Massimo to feel whole at a time when he felt most lost. It’s an uplifting and inspiring read – it will make you laugh and cry in equal measure, and make you appreciate the smallest and least appreciated. As Massimo says in the book: