Christmas Quick-Fire

We’ve got more answers to our festive quick-fire quiz….

Elizabeth Gill, author of Snow Angels

Home or Away?

The joys of Cheshire. Love it when it snows.

Star on top of tree or fairy?

Gosh, it depends on what I get. I do the easy bits like turning up. They do the decorating. Always very tasteful.

Roses or Quality Street?

I don’t eat much chocolate so it has to be Green and Black’s.

Turkey or alternative?

I’m having sea bass!

Queen’s speech or It’s a Wonderful Life?

Neither. We don’t watch television until the middle of the evening when we are ready to drop.

Monopoly or charades?

We do those on-screen games, golf and tennis which I quite enjoy.

Lights first on the tree or lights last?

Lights last always and lots of them, usually white.

Kathryn Hughes, author of The Secret

Home OR Away?


Star on top of tree OR Fairy on top of tree?

Neither, a Father Christmas, with a cotton wool beard, made from the inside of a toilet roll.

Roses OR Quality Street?

Neither are worth the calories for me – Thornton’s every time, especially the cappucino ones.

Turkey OR Alternative? 


Queen’s Speech OR It’s a Wonderful Life?

We’re always eating when the Queen is on and I’ve never seen It’s A Wonderful Life. (or Game of Thrones!)

Monopoly OR Charades?

When I was a kid we played Monopoly every Christmas Eve. It was a tradition my parents have since confessed they hated! I can see why now.

Lights first on the tree OR Lights last?

Definitely first. It would be carnage the other way round.

Tracy Rees, author of The Hourglass

Home OR Away?


Star on top of tree OR Fairy on top of tree?


Roses OR Quality Street?


Turkey OR Alternative?


Queen’s Speech OR It’s a Wonderful Life?

The film! Always the film!

Monopoly OR Charades?


Lights first on the tree OR Lights last?

Light’s first!

Stef Penney, author of Under A Pole Star

Home OR Away?


Star on top of tree OR Fairy on top of tree?

Neither – could be a giant, threatening, felt robin, or an old photo – maybe Robert Mitchum, or a weaponised Emma Peel.

Roses OR Quality Street?

Artisan chocolates only, please.

Turkey OR Alternative?

Alternative. But with sausages and bread sauce.

Queen’s Speech OR It’s a Wonderful Life?

It’s a Wonderful Life, if I really have to. The Queen’s Speech over my cold, dead body.

Monopoly OR Charades?

Charades, every time.

Lights first on the tree OR Lights last?

Lights first; are you drunk?

Helen Wallen, author of Baby Boom!

Home OR Away?


Star on top of tree OR Fairy on top of tree?


Roses OR Quality Street?

Quality Street all the way!

Turkey OR Alternative?


Queen’s Speech OR It’s a Wonderful Life?

Neither! (Sorry)

Monopoly OR Charades?


Lights first on the tree OR Lights last? 


Check out more of our Christmas Quick-Fire Questions here

The Quick-Fire Christmas Quiz