Competition: Vote for your favourite Downton Abbey quote
The final *sob* series of Downton Abbey is underway and we’re already reminiscing about the sometimes profound, and more often hilarious lines and quips from our favourite period drama. To mark the publication of THE WIT AND WISDOM OF DOWNTON ABBEY, we thought we’d share a few of our favourite quotes from the series to see if we can come to a unanimous decision as to the best line of them all… ambitious? Possibly. But who doesn’t love a put-down from Lady Grantham?! Plus everyone who votes will be entered into a competition to win a copy of WIT AND WISDOM – all you have to do is email us at with the number of your favourite and your mailing address under the subject line ‘Wit and Wisdom’. Full T&Cs are linked at the bottom of the post. Happy reading!
1. Violet: Well, in my experience, second thoughts are vastly overrated.
2. Jimmy: I have dreams. But they don’t involve peeling potatoes.
3. Violet: It always happens when you give these little people power. It goes to their heads like strong drink!
4. Sybil: Is there anything more thrilling than a new frock?
5. Cora: So women’s rights begin at home? I see. Well, I’m all for that.
6. Anna: What I see is a good man, m’lady. And they’re not like buses. There won’t be another one along in ten minute’s time.
7. Mary: Well, he’s not bad looking and he’s still alive. Which puts him two points ahead most men of our generation.
8. Mrs Hughes: Mrs Patmore, will you please leave the hysteria to me.
9. Edith: Love and position, in one handsome package. Who could ask for more?
10. Violet: You flatter me, which is just as it should be.
Buy THE WIT AND WISDOM OF DOWNTON ABBEY by Jessica Fellowes now.
Competition and Prize Draw Terms Conditions Wit and Wisdom Vote