Quick-fire Q&A with Wendy Holden
If I had to go back in time and choose another career…
I’d quite like to be the Queen. She must know some interesting things.
My dream holiday destination..
Going down to Antibes from Paris by train.
The book I’ve read the most times…
Roget’s Thesaurus, probably. I’m always forgetting words.
The best play I’ve seen…
I loved the casino-set The Merchant of Venice that they did at the Almeida, Islington, last year.
The one piece of advice I would give my teenage self…
Write it all down, you’ll forget it otherwise. I have no teen diaries, no nothing.
The comedian who makes me laugh the most…
Anything with Christopher Guest in it. A Mighty Wind and Best In Show are comic masterpieces.
My favourite city in the world…
Venice. Need I say more?
If I had to eat the same meal for dinner every day for the rest of my life…
Grilled Cornish scallops washed down with champagne!
The best invention ever…
Contact lenses. I’d be in bottle bottoms otherwise.
The best thing about being a writer…
The freedom and the flexibility.
Wendy Holden’s new novel WILD AND FREE is out on Thursday 23rd April. Get ahead of the game and pre-order it now!
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