Bookends confessions: Our guilty pleasures

Team Bookends are back on the confession stand. This week, we fessing up on those reads we just can’t help dipping into now and again. We’d say we were sorry but… well, we’re not. Who doesn’t love a guilty pleasure?!


My guilty pleasure has to be Fifty Shades of Grey. Yep, that’s right – somebody’s had to be! I read all three of the original series in a rather embarrassingly short space of time, and in spite of myself, I fell for Christian Grey hook line and sinker! Although I feel like I’ve redeemed myself slightly by resisting reading the final one…so far.


I have a total weakness for historical romances. Think Georgette Heyer, Jean Plaidy: there’s usually a dastardly count / highwayman who sees the light and reforms his character after falling in love with a feisty but honourable woman. Could not read enough of these when I was fourteen. As I’ve got older, my tastes have got a bit more refined, but I’m still  a sucker for a codpiece, and I can’t wait to read Alison Weir’s new novel!


So I’m not actually guilty about reading these books at all. But what I am guilty about is that, since being recommended Gail Carriger’s books a few months ago, I’ve read about 10 of them. I have a job. I have a social life. I have other books to read. But, as soon as I get my hands on a Gail Carriger I have to devour it whole. Her brand of Victorian steampunk is filled with espionage, romance and lots and lots of tea. And also descriptions of fabulous Victorian fashions. I can’t get enough of them – they’re like delectable tea cakes that one simply must gobble up in one go, preferably with tea.


My guilty pleasure? A magazine. Sometimes, I just want to rebel against my job and pick up a good glossy. Sometimes a girl needs pictures and a new miracle skin product recommendation! I know I’m not alone on this one. Plus, they don’t take up valuable space on my bookshelf.

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… the books we’ve never read

… the fictional mums we love to hate